International Counseling Students’ Perception of Ethics


  • Mehmet A. Karaman Kilis 7 Aralik University, Turkey
  • Michael K. Schmit University of North Texas, United States
  • Ihsan C. Ulus Bartin University, Turkey
  • Marvarene Oliver Texas A&M University, United States



international counseling students, ethical values, ethical behaviors, counselor education, codes of ethics


International counseling students’ (ICS) perceptions regarding ethical counseling practice and education in the United States were examined using an online survey. The research sample consisted of ICSs who were enrolled in counseling programs throughout the United States. Findings indicated that even though ICSs came from different cultures with different ethical values, they were well aware of the different codes of ethics, reported engaging in ethical behaviors, and adapted themselves to the U.S. culture and education system. The results of this study may help counselor educators and counseling programs to promote and understand international students’ ethical behaviors from a diverse and multicultural standpoint.

Author Biographies

  • Mehmet A. Karaman, Kilis 7 Aralik University, Turkey

    MEHMET A. KARAMAN, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. His research interests include instrument development and validation, achievement motivation, college counseling, and ethics in multicultural societies.

  • Michael K. Schmit, University of North Texas, United States

    MICHAEL K. SCHMIT, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Counseling. His research interests include counseling outcome research, integrated care treatment approaches, and quantitative research methodology.

  • Ihsan C. Ulus, Bartin University, Turkey

    IHSAN C. ULUS, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. His research interests include internationalization of counseling, counseling with international students, school counseling, and qualitative research methodology

  • Marvarene Oliver, Texas A&M University, United States

    MARVARENE OLIVER, PhD, is a Professor of Counseling. Her research interests include ethical and professional issues in counselor education and practice, supervision, pedagogy in counselor education and training, and bridging research and practice.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

International Counseling Students’ Perception of Ethics. (2018). Journal of International Students, 8(2), 677-695.