Intercultural Learning in Transnational Articulation Programs

The Hidden Agenda of Chinese Students’ Experiences


  • Kun Dai Peking University
  • Jaime Garcia University of Queensland



articulation program, Chinese student, intercultural adjustment, learning experience, transnational higher education


Many Chinese universities engage in transnational higher education by establishing articulation programs with international partners. Although research has broadly investigated transnational higher education topics, few studies have explored Chinese students’ intercultural learning and adjustment experiences in these programs. This qualitative study explored seven Chinese students’ experiences in two China-Australia articulation programs to add insights to this under-researched topic. The findings indicated that research participants’ intercultural learning experiences were far more complex than the theoretical model of “stress-adaptation-development.” The students’ agency, identity, and belonging underwent dynamic changes due to academic inconsistencies and differences, including the use of technology, assessment, and teaching strategies. This study suggests that it is important for educators to consider educational differences in designing and implementing transnational articulation programs.

Author Biographies

  • Kun Dai, Peking University

    KUN DAI, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Graduate School of Education, Peking University, China, funded by China International Postdoctoral Exchange Program. He obtained his PhD from the School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia. His articles about transnational education and Chinese students’ intercultural learning have appeared in several peer-review journals, such as Scottish Educational Review, Compare, and Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.  

  • Jaime Garcia, University of Queensland

    JAIME GARCIA, PhD, is a research assistant in the School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia. His research interests include information and communication technology in teaching and learning and collaborative learning.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Dai, K., & Garcia, J. (2019). Intercultural Learning in Transnational Articulation Programs: The Hidden Agenda of Chinese Students’ Experiences. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 362-383.