Expanding Meaningfulness: Perceptions and Strategy Use of Chinese International Graduate Students in Disciplinary Reading


  • Yang Wang University of South Carolina




disciplinary reading, international graduate students, qualitative case study, reading belief, reading process, retrospective miscue analysis


This qualitative case study explored two Chinese international graduate students’ beliefs about their reading and reading processes.  The researcher interviewed the participants, asked them to read aloud, analyzed their reading using miscue analysis, and then discussed their reading with them using retrospective miscue analysis (RMA).  The researcher found that readers’ beliefs were not static and text difficulty influenced the students’ reading beliefs and strategy use. Through RMA, both students became aware of their respective reading processes and they both became more confident as readers.  This study suggests that RMA is an effective tool for English-as-an-additional language graduate students, as it helps in the construction of meaning and the improvement of disciplinary literacy skills.

Author Biography

  • Yang Wang, University of South Carolina

    YANG WANG, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Language and Literacy Education at the University of South Carolina. Her research focuses on reading comprehension, reading assessment, disciplinary literacy, English language teaching and learning, and biliteracy.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2019). Expanding Meaningfulness: Perceptions and Strategy Use of Chinese International Graduate Students in Disciplinary Reading. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 661-681. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v9i2.641