Teaching International Students: Improving Learning for All


  • Lauren Miller Griffith Central Michigan University, United States




The fourteen contributors to this edited volume put forth a powerful concept. They argue that the struggles faced by international students in the classroom can be a barometer for the rest of our students, or, as the title of the first chapter puts it, “canaries in the coal mine.” Being attuned to the needs and difficulties of international students can often be an early alert system for the rest of the class.

Author Biography

  • Lauren Miller Griffith, Central Michigan University, United States

    Lauren Miller Griffith, PhD, is an instructional designer at the Faculty Center for Innovative Teaching, Central Michigan University. 




How to Cite

Griffith, L. M. (2011). Teaching International Students: Improving Learning for All. Journal of International Students, 1(2), 78-79. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v1i2.560