Strategies to Enhance Student Success: A Discourse Analysis of Academic Advice in International Student Handbooks


  • Nick J. Romerhausen Eastern Michigan University, United States



international students, student handbook, student success, discourse analysis


As the population of international students continues to rise at U.S. colleges and universities, multiple academic obstacles pose barriers to success. Research on strategies of intervention has primarily included face-to-face interactions while an exploration of other assistance approaches is minimal in comparison. This study explored the role that mediated discourse plays in supporting international students with navigating paths through U.S. colleges and universities, by examining seven institutions’ assistance handbooks. Discourse analysis allowed for an in-depth investigation of the academic advice available to international students concerning classroom culture, instructional styles, relationships with instructors, assessment, and academic honesty.

Author Biography

  • Nick J. Romerhausen, Eastern Michigan University, United States

    Nick J. Romerhausen (Ph.D., Wayne State University, 2011) is the Director of Individual Events for Eastern Michigan University’s forensic team and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and Theatre Arts. His research interests include: International student experiences, Latino/a studies, critical communication pedagogy, and forensics. This manuscript is adapted from the author’s dissertation work. In addition to help from the editor and reviewers, Nick would like to thank his advisor, Sandra PensoneauConway, and committee members, Frederick Vultee, Ron Stevenson, and Nathan McCaughtry for their guidance on this project.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Romerhausen, N. J. (2013). Strategies to Enhance Student Success: A Discourse Analysis of Academic Advice in International Student Handbooks. Journal of International Students, 3(2), 129-139.