International Students’ Perceptions of the Value of U.S. Higher Education


  • Ewa Urban Western Michigan University
  • Louann Bierlein Palmer Western Michigan University



value of higher education, international students, international students’ engagement


We examined international students’ perceptions of the personal and professional value they receive from higher education in the United States. Results indicated that students’ professional outcomes were significantly lower than their expectations related to their professional development, while students benefited personally to a much greater extent than they had anticipated. In this study, we identified areas of opportunities for higher education to support international students’ professional and personal goals.

Author Biographies

  • Ewa Urban, Western Michigan University

    EWA URBAN, Ph.D. is an associate director for assessment in Career and Student Employment Services at Western Michigan University. Her research interests include intercultural communication and international students' higher education experiences, learning and career outcomes, and career transitions. 

  • Louann Bierlein Palmer, Western Michigan University

    LOUANN BIERLEIN PALMER, Ed.D., is a professor of educational leadership and the Ph.D. program coordinator for the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology at Western Michigan University. Her research interests cover a wide span of education and social policy issues. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Urban, E., & Palmer, L. B. (2016). International Students’ Perceptions of the Value of U.S. Higher Education. Journal of International Students, 6(1), 153-174.