Analyzing International Students’ Study Anxiety in Higher Education


  • Rezvan Khoshlessan Lamar University, United States
  • Kumer Pial Das Lamar University, United States



study anxiety, international student, social anxiety, family anxiety, language anxiety, exam anxiety, presentation anxiety


The purpose of this study is to explore international students’ study anxiety in a mid-sized public four-year university in Southeast Texas by comparing their existing study anxiety along lines of nationality, gender, age, major, degree, and stage of education. The subjects were selected using a convenience sample during the Spring of 2013. The researcher collected pertinent demographic data and used a modified version of the Study Anxiety Questionnaire (SAQ). The non-parametric statistical analysis focuses on the students’ perceptions and the study anxiety of international students which has been grouped into five anxiety subgroups. The results demonstrate some differences in anxiety levels among different demographic groups.

Author Biographies

  • Rezvan Khoshlessan, Lamar University, United States

    REZVAN KHOSHLESSAN, EdD, holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership specialized in Higher Education from Lamar University, Beaumont (Texas-USA), a Master of Arts in TEFL from Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch (Tehran-Iran), and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Tehran University (Tehran-Iran). Currently, she works for the Texas Intensive English Program (TIEP) at Lamar University as an Instructor where she teaches international students who are studying in different English proficiency levels. In addition, she is a researcher and reviews articles on teaching and learning at the Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (CTLE) and works as a part-time assistant for the CTLE director. Her research interest includes higher education, active and collaborative techniques, and study anxiety. 

  • Kumer Pial Das, Lamar University, United States

    KUMER PIAL DAS, PhD, is an associate professor of statistics at Lamar University (LU), TX. He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate statistics courses at LU since his PhD in mathematics from Auburn University in 2005. His research interest is in the area of statistics, big data analytics, undergraduate research and international education. He is a recipient of 2013 Mathematical Association of America’s Alder award for distinguished teaching. He is also a recipient of the 2016 Robert Hogg Award for excellence in teaching undergraduate statistics. He has published extensively on a variety of topics in statistics and mathematics with his undergraduate and graduate students and has received many awards for supervising students in research. He has been named the 2015 Lamar University Research Scholar in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding scholarly and creative achievements. Because of his enthusiastic involvement in undergraduate research he was appointed as the founding director of the Office of Undergraduate Research at LU in 2013 and he is continuing to serve the office since then. He is also a recipient of the 2016 Fulbright International Education Administrator Seminar Award to France. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Khoshlessan, R., & Das, K. P. (2017). Analyzing International Students’ Study Anxiety in Higher Education. Journal of International Students, 7(2), 311-328.