Role of Student Affairs in International Student Transition and Success


  • Christina W Yao University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States
  • Chrystal A. George Mwangi University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States



International student mobility has grown significantly in recent years, with over 4.1 million students in 2013 who studied abroad around the world (Institute of International Education [IIE], 2016). With the changes in student demographics and increased mobility, student affairs professionals are in a unique role to support international student transition and success. Unfortunately, current research and practice in higher education tends to place a high level of responsibility on the international student to successfully transition to a new campus environment or places the responsibility on the international student affairs/student services office to solely work with these students. Given the multi-faceted needs of international students, we argue that it is critical for student affairs professionals across functional areas to be prepared to support this diverse population.


Author Biographies

  • Christina W Yao, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States

    CHRISTINA W. YAO, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Educational Administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She studies student engagement and learning in higher education, operationalized through three connected topical areas: international education, teaching and learning, and graduate education. 

  • Chrystal A. George Mwangi, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States

    CHRYSTAL A. GEORGE MWANGI, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her scholarship centers on 1) structures of opportunityπ and educational attainment for underrepresented populations along the P-20 education pipeline; 2) impacts of globalization and migration on U.S. higher education and 3) African and African Diaspora populations in higher education. 




How to Cite

Yao, C. W., & George Mwangi, C. A. (2017). Role of Student Affairs in International Student Transition and Success. Journal of International Students, 7(4), I-III.