Acculturative stress and native and U.S. culture immersion of international students at a community college


  • Hardaye R. Hansen Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States
  • Yuliya Shneyderman Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States
  • Gloria S. McNamara Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States
  • Lisa Grace Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States



international students, acculturation, acculturative stress, community college students


Research shows that international college students experience high levels of acculturative stress, which can adversely impact their health and college success. The levels of immersion in one’s native culture and the culture of the U.S. may impact levels of acculturative stress in international students. This cross-sectional study examined community college international students (n = 243). Immersion in a student’s native culture was positively associated with acculturative stress, while immersion in the U.S. culture was negatively associated with acculturative stress. Students who spoke English as their first language and whose families moved to the United States experienced lower levels of acculturative stress. The results of the study imply that some international students may require more support in order to succeed in their college environment.

Author Biographies

  • Hardaye R. Hansen, Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States

    HARDAYE R. HANSEN, EdD, MSW, is an Assistant Professor in the Health Education Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Her research focuses on mental health of undergraduate students, immigrants’ health, relations of cigarette smoking actions and environmental tobacco smoking among college students. E-

  • Yuliya Shneyderman, Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States

    YULIYA SHNEYDERMAN, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Health Education Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Her research interests include college student health, mobile and Internet-based health education, and sexual and reproductive health.

  • Gloria S. McNamara, Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States

    GLORIA MCNAMARA, PhD, RD, CDN, is an Associate Professor in the Health Education Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Her research includes self-regulation of health behaviors, such as diet and exercise, as well as personality and weight loss, health entrepreneurship pedagogy, and environmental health.

  • Lisa Grace, Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States

    LISA GRACE, EdD, is an Associate Professor in the Health Education Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Her research interests focuses on women, children and adolescent health behaviors.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Hansen, H. R., Shneyderman, Y., McNamara, G. S., & Grace, L. (2018). Acculturative stress and native and U.S. culture immersion of international students at a community college. Journal of International Students, 8(1), 215–232.