Cultural Identification, Acculturation, and Academic Experience Abroad: A Case of a Joint Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Program


  • Jeongyi Lee Kennesaw State University, United States
  • Kathryn Negrelli Kennesaw State University, United States



acculturation, cultural identification, orthogonal cultural identification scale, study abroad, intercultural competence


The number of students expanding their academic programs to include learning experiences abroad has been steadily increasing over the past two decades. This study investigates the cultural identification of short-term study abroad participants and its influence on their acculturation process. By means of a widely used acculturation scale, it was found that there were statistically significant effects of cultural experiences on cultural identification, specifically decreases in cultural identification scores. Implications from this study suggest a deeper understanding of students’ ethnic identifications can be helpful in developing study abroad programs that promote the goals of student awareness, cultural sensitivity, and global competence.

Author Biographies

  • Jeongyi Lee, Kennesaw State University, United States

    JEONGYI LEE, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Korean. Her research interests lie in foreign/heritage language learners’ motivation from SLA perspectives, topics of cultural/linguistic adaptation among U.S. immigrants, especially code-switching between L1 and L2 and speech perception of both Korean and English in L2 speakers of Korean in comparison with heritage speakers of Korean, and language learners’ attitudes and motivations, and outcomes in study abroad programs. Email:

  • Kathryn Negrelli, Kennesaw State University, United States

    KATHRYN NEGRELLI, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Japanese. Her research focuses on foreign language pedagogy, technology in the foreign language classroom, intercultural competence and acculturation. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Lee, J., & Negrelli, K. (2018). Cultural Identification, Acculturation, and Academic Experience Abroad: A Case of a Joint Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Program. Journal of International Students, 8(2), 1152-1072.