International Student Migration: Outcomes and Implications


  • Jenny McGill King’s College London, United Kingdom



international education, international students, migration, academic study, study abroad, population distribution, human geography


The present study examined the possible correlation between six life circumstances of international students (N=124) admitted entry into the United States for the purpose of academic study and their geographic choice of location upon graduation. This paper improves upon the current literature by offering actual migration outcomes (rather than intentions), by including three factors not previously analyzed, and by considering graduate students from a new subject field. The independent variables included: duration of study, scholarship award, doctoral study, participation in optional practical training, application for a temporary work visa, and the economic classification of the student’s country of origin. The dependent variable was student geographic location as of 15 May 2011, categorized as in the United States or outside of the U.S. Data from foreign student graduates (academic years 2000-2011) from 43 countries were analyzed in binary logistic regression.

Author Biography

  • Jenny McGill, King’s College London, United Kingdom

    Jenny McGill is an intercultural consultant and has served in international education since 2000. She is a PhD candidate at King’s College London, focusing on migration and identity. Travel for volunteer work, study, and research has taken her to Latin America, Europe, Eurasia, and Africa. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

McGill, J. (2013). International Student Migration: Outcomes and Implications. Journal of International Students, 3(2), 167-181.