Remote Learning and Foregoing the Dream


  • Stephen Kotok St. John's University, USA



segregation; equity; digital divide


Due to Covid-19, almost all public-school districts across the U.S. suspended in-person learning and shifted overnight to remote learning. I am writing this in May of 2020. The future of the pandemic is unclear. However, we need to think critically how this challenging time informs post-Covid educational policies and curriculum.


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Author Biography

  • Stephen Kotok, St. John's University, USA

    Stephen Kotok is an assistant professor in the Department of Administrative and Instructional Leadership at St. John’s University. His research focuses on the opportunity gap for low-income and minority students and how school context affects these disparities. Specifically, Kotok examines equity-based school improvement strategies related to school climate and detracking as well as policy-level issues such as school choice, resource allocation, and segregation. Prior to joining St. John’s University was a member of the administrative team at Hope Academy Charter School in Asbury Park, NJ, and was a social studies teacher with the School District of Philadelphia. Email: 


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How to Cite

Remote Learning and Foregoing the Dream . (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(2), i-iv.