At the Heart of a Teacher

Schooling in a Pandemic


  • Mari Koerner Arizona State University, USA



Pandemic, Teaching, Schooling


In a time of great crisis, teaching and lerning has become personal. This essay examines what every and any teacher's heart has to be.


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Author Biography

  • Mari Koerner , Arizona State University, USA

    MARI KOERNER is the Alice Wiley Snell Professor of Education Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College Arizona State University. Appointed as Dean in 2006, she stepped down from that position in 2016. Dr. Koerner is the author of The Successful Dean: Thoughtful Strategies and Savvy Tips for Today’s Evolving Leadership (Teachers College Press, 2020). She has a blog entry, “Leading in Times of Crisis with Self-Care and Optimism” for Teachers College Press ( Her research project with Dr. David Berliner which investigates what the term “bad teachers” means to students is now under review for publication.  E-mail:


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How to Cite

At the Heart of a Teacher : Schooling in a Pandemic. (2020). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(1), 172-174.