L2 Learning During Study Abroad

The Creation of Affinity Spaces


  • Xuewei He The George Washington University




International students, Affinity Spaces, Study Abroad, Second language acquisition


L2 Learning During Study Abroad: The Creation of Affinity Spaces is a dissertation-turned-book by Yoshifumi Fukada that explores how international students construct TL-mediated socialization through creating affinity spaces. Based on the experiences he and other international students had, Fukada utilized autobiography, autoethnography, and qualitative case studies to provide an in-depth understanding of the matter. 


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Author Biography

  • Xuewei He, The George Washington University

    XUEWEI HE, is a doctoral candidate in Curriculum & Instruction Program at the George Washington University, USA. She is also an adjunct English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor at the English Language and Training Academy (ELTA) at American University. Her research interests lie in the area of ESL curriculum development, international students in higher education, and ESL teacher preparation. Email: xuewei_he@gwu.edu


Fukada, Y. (2019). L2 learning during study abroad: The creation of affinity spaces. Singapore: Springer.

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How to Cite

L2 Learning During Study Abroad: The Creation of Affinity Spaces. (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 10(2), 117-120. https://doi.org/10.32674/jise.v9i1.2363