How to Improve the Validity and Reliability of a Case Study Approach?


  • Cátia Quintão Polytechnic Institute of Gaya (ISPGAYA), V.N.Gaia, Portugal
  • Pedro Andrade Polytechnic Institute of Gaya (ISPGAYA), V.N.Gaia, Portugal
  • Fernando Almeida University of Porto & INESC TEC



case study, research methodology, reliability, validity


The case study is a widely used method in qualitative research. Although defining the case study can be simple, it is complex to develop its strategy. Furthermore, it is still often not considered to be a sufficiently robust research strategy in the education field because it does not offer well-defined and use well-structured protocols. One of the most frequent criticisms associated with the case study approach is its low validity and reliability. In this sense, this study aims to concisely explore the main difficulties inherent to the process of developing a case study, also attempting to suggest some practices that can increase its reliability, construct validity, internal and external validity.


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Author Biographies

  • Cátia Quintão, Polytechnic Institute of Gaya (ISPGAYA), V.N.Gaia, Portugal

    CÁTIA QUINTÃO, B.Tech, is a researcher at ISPGAYA. She works in the IT industry as a software developer. Her major research interests lie in the area of cybersecurity, network management, and databases.  Email:

  • Pedro Andrade, Polytechnic Institute of Gaya (ISPGAYA), V.N.Gaia, Portugal

    PEDRO ANDRADE, B.Tech, is a researcher at ISPGAYA. He works in the IT industry as system administrator and network manager. His research interests include network configuration and the internet of things. Email:

  • Fernando Almeida, University of Porto & INESC TEC

    FERNANDO ALMEIDA, PhD, is a professor and researcher at University of Porto and INESC TEC. His research interests include software engineering, innovation, and research paradigms. Email:


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How to Cite

How to Improve the Validity and Reliability of a Case Study Approach?. (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(2), 264-275.