The Okule Cult Education and Practice in Ghana


  • Samuel Ntewusu university of Ghana, Ghana
  • Richard Awubomu University of Ghana, Ghana
  • Diana Amoni Ntewusu University of Ghana, Ghana
  • Grace Adasi University of Ghana, Ghana



Ghana, Togo, Guan, Nawuri, Okule cult


Using oral interviews, archival sources, observation, and published materials, we discuss the recruitment and training processes of the Okule Cult, an all-female cult. We analyze information obtained from the Nawuris of Northern Ghana to give insights into the relevance of Okule education practices to communities in Ghana. Knowledge about how members of the Okule cult educate new inductees and younger members advances our understanding of the continued importance of African Traditional Education. It would aid efforts to decolonize education on the African continent. The findings of our study can help educational authorities provide a balanced and holistic educational experience to learners.


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Author Biographies

  • Samuel Ntewusu, university of Ghana, Ghana

    Samuel Ntewusu, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. His major research interest is in the area of historiography, history of transport and urbanization, and labor history. Email: or  

  • Richard Awubomu, University of Ghana, Ghana

    Richard Awubomu is a Faculty at the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ho, Volta Region and a PhD student at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. His area of interest is in female cults, traditional healing, and education. Email:

  • Diana Amoni Ntewusu, University of Ghana, Ghana

    Diana Ntewusu is a PhD student at the Department of Sociology, University of Ghana. Her research interest lie in education, public administration, ethnic and women studies, and the environment. Email:

  • Grace Adasi, University of Ghana, Ghana

    Grace Adasi is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. Her research interests are indigenous religion, Christianity and gender. Email:  


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Soka Approaches in Education (Published)

How to Cite

The Okule Cult Education and Practice in Ghana. (2020). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(SI), 114-133.