Participation of International African Students at the University of Arkansas in Extracurricular Activities and Their Academic Outcomes


  • Paulo Hadi E. Manuel Ministry of Education, Angola



Academic achievement, African students, extracurricular activities, grade point average


This paper examines whether there is an association between participation of the international African students at the University of Arkansas in extracurricular activities (ECAs) and their grade point average (GPA). With the increase of study abroad programs, numerous Africans at college age travel to the US to pursue their degrees. A considerable number of them get involved in extra-scholastic activities, whereas others are more concentrated on their academic programs. The researcher wanted to find whether there was a difference in GPA between those African students who were more involved in extracurricular activities and their counterparts who were least involved. Although the t-test’s results were insignificant, the qualitative results of this study may be insightful for educators and advisors who deal with international students from Africa.  



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Author Biography

  • Paulo Hadi E. Manuel, Ministry of Education, Angola

    Paulo Hadi E. Manuel holds a master's degree in TESOL from the University of Arkansas. He currently works for the National Personnel Training Agency of the Ministry of Education of Angola, as an education specialist. He has interests in English as a Second/Foreign Language, Bilingual Education, and Early Childhood Education. Email:


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How to Cite

Participation of International African Students at the University of Arkansas in Extracurricular Activities and Their Academic Outcomes. (2020). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(1), 41-56.