Interdisciplinary Connections:

Evaluating Collaboration between AFNR and Leadership, Mathematics, and Science Educators


  • Catlin M. Pauley Michigan State University
  • Aaron J. McKim Michigan State University



collaboration, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, School-based Agriculture Food and Natural Resources Education


Agriculture, food, and/or natural resources (AFNR) content offers a tremendous context for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Collaboration between AFNR and core content area educators has been recommended to increase interdisciplinarity in school-based AFNR Education; however, existing research lacks an empirical investigation of the relationship between interdisciplinary collaboration and outcomes associated with interdisciplinary teaching in school-based AFNR Education. Therefore, the current study explores the scope of collaboration between AFNR, leadership, mathematics, and science educators and the relationship between collaboration and interdisciplinary teaching in school-based AFNR Education. Findings indicate opportunities to initiate and strengthen interdisciplinary communities of practice through purposeful interactions, especially regarding length of interactions between AFNR and core content area educators. Recommendations for practitioners, teacher educators, and researchers are provided.


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How to Cite

Interdisciplinary Connections:: Evaluating Collaboration between AFNR and Leadership, Mathematics, and Science Educators. (2019). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 8(1), 30-44.