Structural Equation Model of Students’ Competence in Mathematics among Filipino High School Student


  • Melanie G. Gurat Saint Mary's University



confidence in mathematics, family background, mathematics achievement, mathematics performance, path analysis


This study aimed to construct structural equation model of students’ competence in mathematics through selected students profile variables.  This study employed quantitative research design. The publicized PISA Mathematics Test was used to determine the competency of students in mathematics. The data was analyzed using Analysis of MOment Structures (AMOS). Findings revealed that structural model of students’ competence in applying mathematics in real world problems revealed interesting influence of the profile variables to the competency in mathematics.   It can be conveyed that better mother’s work status, higher educational level expected to complete, more confident and did not repeat kinder, have better competency in mathematics. The four variables that directly influenced the competence variables were also influenced with other profile variables such as family background. The family background and confidence level consistently had the highest total effect and indirect effect to the competence in mathematics.  Hence, this model can be used as guide in making programs in the classroom or curriculum in mathematics to develop students’ competency in mathematics.


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How to Cite

Structural Equation Model of Students’ Competence in Mathematics among Filipino High School Student. (2018). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 7(1), 67-77.