Call for Papers || "ChatGPT and AI in Education:Reimagining and Reshaping Teaching and Learning Practices Across Disciplines"


Call for Papers: 

Special Issue on "ChatGPT and AI in Education: Reimagining and Reshaping Teaching and Learning Practices Across Disciplines"

Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education (JISE), a flagship journal of the STAR Scholars Network, invites researchers and scholars to contribute to a special issue focused on the intersection of ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and education. This special issue aims to explore the advancements, challenges, and implications of integrating ChatGPT and AI technologies in educational settings.

Background and Objectives:

AI has gained significant attention in the field of education, offering promising opportunities for personalized learning, intelligent tutoring systems, and adaptive learning platforms. ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model, has demonstrated capabilities in natural language understanding and generating human-like conversations. This special issue seeks to examine how ChatGPT and AI can reshape and enhance teaching practices, learner engagement, and educational outcomes.


ChatGPT presents several advantages, including improved natural language understanding, faster response times, and the potential for more engaging and interactive conversations. However, challenges such as training models to respond appropriately across diverse educational topics, addressing bias, and ensuring ethical considerations are crucial areas for exploration.


This special issue welcomes interdisciplinary research papers, case studies, and conceptual articles that investigate the following topics related to ChatGPT, AI, and education:

  • Innovative applications of ChatGPT and AI in teaching and learning
  • Pedagogical approaches leveraging ChatGPT for personalized education
  • Challenges and limitations in integrating ChatGPT into educational settings
  • Ethical considerations and responsible use of ChatGPT in education
  • Student engagement and motivation in AI-mediated learning environments
  • Impact of ChatGPT on assessment and feedback mechanisms
  • Teacher roles and professional development in the era of AI
  • ChatGPT and AI in inclusive education and addressing diverse learner needs
  • Collaborative learning and social interaction facilitated by ChatGPT
  • Educational policy implications and future directions for ChatGPT and AI in education


We invite authors from diverse disciplines, including education, computer science, psychology, and related fields, to submit original research papers, theoretical analyses, empirical studies, and critical reviews addressing the aforementioned topics. Submissions should adhere to the journal's guidelines and will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.

Please submit your manuscripts online, by selecting “Make a Submission” and selecting “ChatGPT and Education” section from the dropdown menu. For inquiries or further information, please contact the Editors: Amany Saleh (, Misty Cook (, and Krishna Bista (

We look forward to receiving your contributions and advancing the understanding of ChatGPT, AI, and their impact across the disciplines.

Editors, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education

Timeline and Guidelines for Authors

Essay Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 2023

Publication of Essays: July 1, 2024

Guidelines for Authors:

Essay Types: We invite submissions in the following formats:

  • Practitioners' Opinions: Reflective essays sharing insights, experiences, and perspectives related to education and the theme of the special issue.
  • Empirical Essays: Research-based essays presenting original empirical studies, including data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Research in Briefs: Concise essays summarizing ongoing or completed research projects in a condensed format.

Length and Formatting:

  • Practitioners' Opinions: 1,500-2,000 words
  • Empirical Essays: 4,000-6,000 words (including references and appendices)
  • Research in Briefs: 2,500-3,000 words (including references and appendices)

Please do not use footnotes or endnotes. You can use such information within the text. All essays should follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition.