Use of ICT tools in teaching Mathematics in Higher Education

A Case of Mid-Western University


  • Prem Kumari Dhakal Mid-Western University



information communication, technology in classroom, teaching and learning, higher education, Nepalese education, research and publication


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are an essential portion of teaching learning process. The article  examines the use of the application of ICT tools in teaching mathematics and to identify the attitudes of teachers towards the use of ICT tools at Mid-Western University, Nepal. The result of the study indicated  the positive attitudes of teachers along with the need of the use of the ICT tools for professional development of teachers and increase the performance of the learners as the learners were found motivated by the recent development of the tools. However, the lack of knowledge to integrate the tools, availability of the resources, affordability by the learners and insufficient teacher training provisions were found as the barriers in the use of the tools


Author Biography

  • Prem Kumari Dhakal, Mid-Western University

    Prem Kumari Dhakal is an Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education and the chairperson of Mathematics Education subject committee in faculty of Education at Mid-Western University (MWU), Surkhet, Nepal. She has been teaching graduate and undergraduate students for more than a decade, participating in and presenting at different national and international conferences and seminars. Her main area of research is professional development of mathematics teachers. She has published articles in a variety of journals. Apart from her professional responsibility in the University, she is in the position of the chairperson of Mathematics Society Surkhet, a branch affiliated to Mathematics Society Nepal. Currently she is an M.Phil. scholar at Nepal Open University, Nepal.  




How to Cite

Use of ICT tools in teaching Mathematics in Higher Education: A Case of Mid-Western University. (2018). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education, 3(1), xx-xx.