Aims and Scope

The International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education (Print ISSN 2474-2546 & Online ISSN 2474-2554) is a scholarly publication that seeks to create conversations about education, especially policy, practice, and research of teaching, among scholars across the academic disciplines and across national and cultural borders. Behind this rigorously peer-reviewed journal is a vision that defines scholarship – its function, process, and view of quality – differently. We strive to foster a community of educators who need and value access, equity, and interaction across borders in educational conversation.

We encourage the submission of manuscripts from researchers and practitioners around the world from any academic discipline or interdisciplinary inquiry. We are especially interested in submissions on topics such as:

  • Experiences or perspectives from specific disciplines that members of other disciplines could benefit from -- especially presented with an international audience in mind
  • Issues or practices in higher education that transcend, or bring together perspectives from, different disciplines (as well as contexts) 
  • Experiences and reflections of educators, academic staff, policy makers, or other stakeholdres across national and cultural/social borders 
  • Issues about marginalized/minoritized or other groups whose experiences or ideas are traditionally left out in traditional academic discourse/institutions (and could benefit readers internationally)
  • Geopolitical perspectives and policies related to higher education at larger or in specific disciplines, contexts, institutions, etc
  • Perspectives in higher education that involve collaboration/communication for addressing complex problems that transcend borders
  • Issues and perspectives about emerging technologies and online learning (written for interdisciplinary and international audiences)
  • Advancements in eduation (pedagogy, academic programming, research, policy, curriculum, etc) in particular contexts (countries, regions, institutions), offering perspectives for educators from other contexts  
  • Models or innovations in curriculum, pedagogy, or academic programs that have broader implications 
  • Theories/perspectives about issues of higher education in a specific context or theories/perspectives about innovations in teaching/learning or pedagogy/programs that have broader salience
  • Emerging trends, discourses, or research findings in higher education in and across contexts 

Submissions that focus on under-researched aspects of the field, as well as regions, countries, contexts, or populations about which little is known are of particular interest. Submissions that include under-utilized theories, such as Postcolonial Theory, Southern Epistemologies, Indigenous Scholarships, or new frameworks, discourses, and methodologies are also encouraged. The journal publishes quantitative and qualitative empirical research and reviews of research literature. Both full length papers and brief reports are published with high priority given to manuscripts that offer critical perspectives that join theory and research.

Publish With Us

JIMPHE is targeted at publishing the most influential research on international students in the world to a multidisciplinary audience:

  • High ranking: Rigorous peer review of your research in a top-ranked journal in international education and higher education.
  • World-wide representation: Many scholars based many countries have submitted and published articles in the journal. The journal is read in many countries around the world. 
  • Global exposure: The combination of ranking, open-access, and indexing in major academic databases increases the discoverability and citation of your work.