Leading the Many, Considering the Few

University Presidents’ Perspectives on International Students during COVID-19


  • Sarah Schiffecker Texas Tech University




In challenging times, successful leadership becomes even more important, yet also harder to achieve. COVID-19 has confronted the world with a crisis of never-before-seen proportions, impacting all aspects of modern life. University leaders around the world had to react quickly in order to lead their institutions during these times of uncertainty. One part of the student population was and is particularly vulnerable with campuses shutting down and global travel coming to a rather abrupt halt: international students. This comparative case study will illuminate how university presidents from five different countries are informed in their perceptions of the international students on their campuses during the COVID-19 crisis. Ultimately, important policy implications informing how higher education leaders can navigate global crises while simultaneously best serving their international student populations will be informed.



2021-02-05 — Updated on 2021-02-05




2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

Leading the Many, Considering the Few: University Presidents’ Perspectives on International Students during COVID-19. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(6S1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v12i6S1.3034