About the Journal


The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) (Print ISSN 2151-0393 & Online ISSN 2151-0407) is an open access, independent, peer-reviewed international journal publishing original contributions to the field of comparative and international higher education. The journal serves as a place to share new thinking on analysis, theory, policy, and practice that relates to issues that influence comparative and international higher education. The JCIHE is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG).


The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) is an open access, independent, peer-reviewed, international, and multi-disciplinary journal designed for advancing the field of comparative and international higher education.

The objectives and purpose of the Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) are to unite researchers undertaking comparative projects. JCIHE is also a forum for reflective and critical thinking on comparative and international higher education. JCIHE is concerned with showcasing new and diverse international research that uses rigorous methodology that focuses on theory, policy, practice, critical analysis, and development analysis of issues that influence higher education. JCIHE has as its core principles: a) comparative research; b) engagement with theory; and c) diverse voices in terms of authorship.

JCIHE is overseen by a senior editorial board, assisted by an International Advisory Board, and a Board of Regional Editors who are international scholars with a wide range of expertise in comparative and international higher education. JCIHE Publication Process

The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) accepts unpublished original manuscripts on comparative and international higher education. JCIHE publishes:

1) Empirical Articles 

Authors are encouraged to contextualize their argument, when possible, by citing from existing debates and discussions previously published in JCIHE and by sharing how the results of their manuscript contribute to previous published articles on related issues. These links build a sense of continuity and foster scholarly dialogue within the journal.

Empirical Articles: empirical research should demonstrate high rigor and quality. Original research collects and analyzes data in systematic ways to present important new research that adds to and advances the debates within the field of comparative and international higher education. Articles clearly and substantively contribute to current thought by expanding, correcting, broadening, posing questions in a new light, or strengthening current conceptual and/or methodological discussions in the field of comparative and international higher education. We especially welcome  manuscripts on new topics and issues that have been under-emphasized in the field. Empirical Articles are 5,500 - 7,500 words excluding references and tables.

2) Scholarly Reviews/ Essays 

Authors are encouraged to contextualize their argument, when possible, by citing from existing debates and discussions previously published in JCIHE and by sharing how the results of  their manuscript contribute to previous published articles on related issues. These links build a sense of continuity and foster scholarly dialogue within the journal.

Scholarly Reviews/Essays: Scholarly research-based review/essays demonstrate rigor and quality. These submissions need to demonstrate practical application that serve as catalysts for conversation and advances knowledge and understanding in the field of comparative & international higher education.  Original research that a) describes new developments in the state of knowledge, b) examines area studies and regional developments of social, cultural, political and economic contexts in specific regions worldwide, c) analyzes existing data sets applying new theoretical or methodological foci, d) synthesizes divergent bodies of literature, e) places the topic at hand into a platform for future dialogue or within broader debates in the field, f) explores research-to-practice, g) examines practical application in education systems worldwide, or h) provides future directions that are of broad significance to the field. Submissions must be situated within relevant literature and can be theoretical or methodological in focus. Review/Essays are 3,500 to 4,500 words excluding references and tables.

3) Special Issues

JCIHE offers two special issues annually that address current issues of comparative and international higher education. Calls for submissions are included in the home-page.

4) Emerging Scholars Research Summaries

Authors are encouraged to contextualize their argument, when possible, by citing from existing debates and discussions previously published in JCIHE and by sharing how the results of  their manuscript contribute to previous published articles on related issues. These links build a sense of continuity and foster scholarly dialogue within the journal.

Emerging Scholars Research Summaries share thesis or dissertation work-in-progress or original empirical research. The intent of this special issue is to share cutting edge research that is of broad significance to the field of comparative and international higher education. Articles must include a literature review, theory focus, and strong methods sections. Articles are 1,000 - 1,500 words excluding references and tables. Duedate is each June.

NOTE: Submissions must include a Letter of Support from the student’s Supervisor/chair indicating their approval for the publication.

5) Book Review 

- JCIHE publishes special issues on current issues in the Summer and in the Winter,
- JCIHE publishes Emerging Scholars Research Summaries in the Winter.


Peer Review Policy

The Journal of Comparative and International Education (JCIHE) adheres to a rigorous double-masked reviewing policy in which the identity of both the reviewer and the author are always concealed from both parties. Papers may be rejected without review at the discretion of the Editor. Selected articles may be sent for a second or even third round of peer review upon revision.

Acknowledgements and Funding

All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an Acknowledgements section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, or a department chair who provided only general support.

The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) requires all authors to acknowledge their funding in a consistent fashion under a separate heading.

The Journal of Comparative and International Education encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests. This includes any financial relationship that all authors of the article have with any sponsoring organization and the for-profit interests the organization represents, and with any for-profit product discussed or implied in the text of the article.


The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education is a fully open-access journal. This means that the publishing of full texts and the ability to read journal issues is openly and freely available. There are NO article processing charges (APCs), fees, or financial  costs to be paid by authors, their institutions, or supporting grant agencies. 

Research Data

The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education is committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research. Where relevant, the journal encourages authors to share their research data in a suitable public repository subject to ethical considerations and where data is included, to add a data accessibility statement in their manuscript file. Authors should also follow data citation principles.



The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education takes issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software.

Artificial Intelligence Policy
As part of the Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment, we stress that ALL work should be original and completed by the author(s). Generative AI tools can help you learn but should not replace your own learning, writing or critical thinking. JCIHE encourages authors to use AI responsibly and ethically. In that the field is rapidly changing, JCIHE may change its position according to industry standards on ethical use of AI.

DISCLOSURE OF AI USE: CITING AI USE: To maintain academic integrity, you must disclose the use of Generative AI tools using APA 7th edition. If you use AI to start your research or as a tool for brainstorming, you MUST include a use in-text citations and reference. Also include a statement describing the specific AI tool(s) or resources you used and how you used them. This means you must give credit to the AI tool(s) employed. In addition, any use of Generative AI tolls must be disclosed in the submission letter to the editor.

Reviewers may not use AI technology in generating or writing their reviews as this breaches confidentiality of the review process.

Prior Publication

Any material that has been previously published will not be acceptable for publication.