Reliability Analysis of Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Legal and Ethical Issues

A Preliminary Study on Trainee Counselors in Malaysia


  • Neerushah Subarimaniam
  • Noor Syamilah Zakaria



reliability, internal consistency, self-efficacy, ethics, trainee counselors


The aim of this preliminary study is to disseminate the reliability of Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling Self-Efficacy Scale (ELICSES). ELICSES consists of 23 items and it is used to measure trainee counselors’ self-efficacy in dealing with legal and ethical issues. We performed a small-scale study to assess the degree of reliability in a university setting. The findings revealed acceptable internal consistency reliability of the full scale and three subscales. Hence, the scale is an ideal instrument to measure trainee counselors’ self-efficacy in dealing with legal and ethical issues. However, we suggest the future researchers work on test-retest reliability and examine ELICSES across cultures involving multination.



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How to Cite

Reliability Analysis of Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Legal and Ethical Issues: A Preliminary Study on Trainee Counselors in Malaysia. (2019). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 7(2), 31-37.