
The journal is accepting applications for the following positions:

• Guest Editors [Special Issue]
• Consulting Editors
• Copy Editors
• Layout/Design Editors
• Peer Reviewers [video] [Required Tranining]
• Editorial Assistants • Typesetter  • Proofreader  • Membership Director

All editorial members serve a three-year term and can anticipate being asked to review or edit approximately 3 manuscripts per year. The review members or editors hold doctoral degrees, have a minimum of a year experience in higher education, and have expertise in writing and publication. Review members agree to return reviews within four weeks of receipt and to assume a dual role of gatekeeper and shaper of research in the field of international students by providing a rigorous review of manuscripts submitted for publication by offering constructive and encouraging feedback to mentor fellow researchers.

Reviewer Recognition

This journal is a publication of the STAR Scholars Network, a non-profit organization. This journal operates through the voluntary services of board members and editors.  Service is an opportunity to engage in significant research activity, view research first hand, and participate in the evaluation of scholarly research. Individuals may use this service towards doctoral degree requirements, faculty tenure, and promotion activities. The journal lists board members' names and affiliation on our website and in print and online volumes. Members also receive a free digital volume of the Journal. No monetary reward as all positions in the Journal is unpaid.

How To Apply

Individuals (including doctoral students) are invited to submit an application online.

Submit Application

(Note: To become a Certified Reviewer for this journal, complete this short training and watch this video)