Exploring Suggestions from Educational Leaders and ChatGPT for Addressing Problems of Practice in TeleED
A Qualitative Case Study
TeleEd, ChatGPT, AI, Exploratory Research, Educational LeadersAbstract
Educational leaders are faced with multi-faceted dilemmas that place decision-making at the heart of their day-to-day work. For support, they often turn to collaborative networks of experienced educators, such as Project ECHO, for solutions to address challenges they encounter while working in the field. The availability of generative AI technology, however, may have potential for informing the solutions to complex educational dilemmas as well, saving time and offering efficiency for problem solving. This study compares solutions for three problems of practice (PoP) that were generated through ChatGPT software and those proposed by the educational leaders in TeleED, an online professional development platform. The problem of practice in this study refers to complex, real-world challenges or problems shared by educational leaders. Findings indicate that solutions to these PoPs showed similarities, suggesting that both ChatGPT and the educational leaders in TeleED highlight ideas such as documentation and peer mentoring to address challenges. This reflects ChatGPT’s ability to generate applicable solutions to complex problems that somewhat mirror solutions posed by leaders. However, educational leaders offered solutions that were nuanced, context specific, and contained explanations of resources and experiences that enhanced discussions. Findings suggest that ChatGPT may have utility for enhancing decision-making but not replacing the human element.
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