Principal Preparation

The Intersectionality of Race and Educational Justice in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools


  • Ellen Edeburn California State University, Northridge



colorblind racism, principal preparation, racial and educational justice


Newly employed school site principals are thrust into a socio-political learning environment where whiteness and institutional racism exist. Thus, it is critically important that embedded throughout principal preparation, enrolled teachers learn, experience, and “see” race and the intersectionality of race and educational justice in the public school learning environment.


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Author Biography

  • Ellen Edeburn, California State University, Northridge
    Ellen Edeburn, Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at California State University, Northridge. Her major research interests lie in the relationship and  intersectionality of racially minoritized students and their public school learning environment. This includes the contextualization of school structure, school culture, educator agency and school leadership. Email: ORCID:



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