Leading in a Pandemic

Why School Leaders Should Learn From Similarities Between Campus Uprisings and Covid-19


  • Ty-Ron Douglas University of Missouri




COVID-19, campus uprisings, educational leadership


Covid-19 is exposing the inequities and inefficiencies in leadership, in healthcare, and in access to resources—educational, economic and otherwise—that often necessitate and precipitate unrest and uprisings. These realities are inextricably linked to racism, disproportionalities, and the history of discrimination in this country and across the globe; disproportionalities that intersect with university campus uprisings and the urgent need for anti-oppressive school leaders who center the voices and needs of their students.


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Douglas, T. M. O., Shockley, K. G., & Toldson, I. A (Eds) (2020). Campus Uprisings: How Student Activists and Collegiate Leaders Resist Racism and Create Hope. New York, N.Y. Teachers College Press.

Johnson, A., & Buford, T. (2020, April 3). Early data shows African Americans have contracted and died of coronavirus at an alarming rate. Propublica. Retrieved from https://wwwpropublicaorg.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.propublica.org/article/early-data-shows-african-americans-have-contracted-and-died-of-coronavirus-at-an-alarming-rate/amp

Muse, M. (2020, April 7). Coronavirus puts Black men in mortal danger—but we need more numbers. Level. https://level-medium-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/level.medium.com/amp/p/694fc47fa027

Toldson, I. A. (2019). No BS (Bad Stats): Black people need people who believe in black people enough not to believe every bad thing they hear about black people. Leiden: Brill/Sense.


