Going the Distance: What School Administrators Can Learn from One-to-One Laptop Schools


  • Miguel Gonzales University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
  • Iesha Jackson University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA




Collaboration; Instruction; Leadership; Standards and Technology


As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many school administrators are forced to transform traditional schooling into an online distance learning environment. This commentary addresses how some of the challenges and implications of our research in leadership and instruction of one-to-one laptop schools are applicable to establishing a distance learning environment alongside current standards for instruction. School administrators are strongly encouraged to collaborate with teachers as soon as teachers report for the school year to help create a shared vision of effective online instruction and implement supplemental frameworks that will guide evaluation of teaching and learning online.


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Author Biographies

  • Miguel Gonzales, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA

    Miguel M. Gonzales, Ed.D., is an assistant professor in the educational policy and leadership program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. His major research interests lie in the area of school technology leadership, leadership development and innovative school models and leadership. Email: miguel.gonzales@unlv.edu

  • Iesha Jackson, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA

    Iesha Jackson, Ed.D., is an assistant professor of teacher education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Her scholarship is situated in three main areas: student voice, culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies, and equity-based, macro-level education policies. Email: Iesha.jackson@unlv.edu


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