Pedagogical Transformation Models in Schools in Nepal during the Global Pandemic


  • Yadu Prasad Gyawali Mid-Western University, Nepal



distance learning, pandemic, participatory


This essay reviews the emergency teaching-learning pedagogy in K-12 schools of Nepal during the COVID-19 global pandemic. It discusses three models (unidirectional, e-participatory, and mobile teaching) as alternative pedagogies of Nepalese educational institutions to continue teaching-learning for different disciplines such as language, arts, and social studies. Moreover, the essay discusses the appropriateness of each model for teaching-learning in urban, semi-urban, and rural settings in Nepal.


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Author Biography

  • Yadu Prasad Gyawali, Mid-Western University, Nepal

    Yadu P. Gyawali is an assistant professor at Mid-Western University in Nepal. His email address is


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