Integrating Blended Learning in Middle School ELA Classrooms to Support Diverse Learners

Lessons Learned


  • Joseph John Morgan University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Tracy G. Spies University of Nevada, Las Vegas



blended learning, professional development, English learners, students with disabilities, technology


The current focus of education is on preparing diverse student populations for college and career readiness. One critical aspect of this preparation is the development of 21st-century learning skills that integrate technology to support students in becoming active members of a globalized society. According to theNational Assessment of Educational Progress, however, English learners (ELs) and students with disabilities(SWDs) are underprepared to use technology to enhance their learning. Therefore, it is important for schools to find ways to integrate critical technology skills with academic instruction in the education of cognitively and linguistically diverse learners. School leaders are essential to the establishment of this instruction. This paper provides lessons learned from a professional development project focused on training middle school English language arts teachers in the integration of blended learning activities to support these diverse learners. These lessons, with supporting data, are discussed along with implications and recommendations for school leaders focused on providing access to critical 21st-century learning skills.


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Author Biographies

  • Joseph John Morgan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

    Joseph John Morgan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professorof Special Education at the University of Nevada, LasVegas; his research focuses on the provision of academicand social-emotional access to the general educationcurricula for students with disabilities.

  • Tracy G. Spies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

    Tracy G. Spies, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of English Language Learning at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; her research focuses on second language acquisition, the effects of second language on native language, and teacher professional development to support second language acquisition.






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