Workshopping in Online Courses

Insights for Learning and Assessment in Higher Education




Workshop activity, online learning, action research, peer-assessment, self-assessment


Designed to explore effective pedagogical uses of the Workshop activity tool, which is native to Moodle learning management system, the study reported in this article was an action research. Using the standard steps of planning, intervening, assessing effectiveness, and information sharing, the study sought to identify the best ways to engage students in the process of learning and peer assessment by using Workshop as a learning and assessment tool. After identifying some challenges against students learning during the submission and peer review process, this article highlights some key strengths of the Workshop activity application, based on our study. Then it discusses the application’s key affordances for conducting peer and self-assessment, for enhanced engagement in learning, and for the development of higher-order skills such as analysis and evaluation. We conclude by noting that effective use of the tool demands teachers' careful attention to issues such as time provided, peer allocation, and students’ skills for effective tool use.

Author Biographies

  • Niroj Dahal, Kathmandu University School of Education

    Niroj Dahal, M Phil is working in the position of Research Assistant at Kathmandu University School of Education under NORHED Rupantran Project. Prior to that he has been working as a visiting faculty member of Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) and Kathmandu University School of Arts (KUSOA), Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal in M. Ed in Mathematics Education, M Phil and Bachelor programs as well as visiting faculty member of Nepal Open University (NOU) under Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Manbhaban, Lalitpur, Nepal in  M Phil programs. Areas of his research interests are ICT in Education, Mathematics Education, Open, Distance & e-Learning, STEAM Education focusing on Technology & Mathematics and ICT & e-Research. For more than a decade, he has been teaching graduate and undergraduate students. Also, he has been continuously participating in more than a dozen national and international conferences, workshops, and seminars. He has published articles in a variety of national and international journals in the field of mathematics education by integrating ICT tools.

  • Shesha Kanta Pangeni, Kathmandu University School of Education

    Shesha Kanta Pangeni, PhD is an Asst. Professor of Educational Leadership at Kathmandu University School of Education under the Department of Educational Leadership. He has been professionally involved in the field of education for more than two decades in Nepal. He also worked as a guest researcher at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Oslo, Norway for a year during his PhD exchange visit. His Ph.D. was funded by The Norwegian Program for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) and the PhD project was related to web technology in higher education. Areas of his research interests are Educational Leadership, Mathematics Education, Web Technologies in Higher Education, Online and Distance Learning, and ICT in Education. He has presented many international conference papers in Asia, Europe, and America. His past journal articles and conference papers were focused on ICT in Education, Online and Distance Education, Digital Leadership, Online Learning Culture, and e-Research Methods.

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How to Cite

Workshopping in Online Courses: Insights for Learning and Assessment in Higher Education. (2019). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education, 4(1), 89-110.