Use of fun book in science education; sample application


  • SALİH GÜLEN Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi



academic achievement, crossword, fun book, science, student opinions


This study is to determine the effect of fun book used in a science course to enhance academic achievement and retention and to investigate student's views on the use of the fun book. Another aim of the study is to set an example for process evaluation in using fun lessons for higher education students. Participants used the fun book for reasons such as learning and not forgetting the subjects, repeating the subject in a fun way, and taking notes from the teacher. The positive aspects of using the fun book was that it enabled students to learn subjects while having fun, prevented them from forgetting material, and it made it easier for teachers to take notes by preparing for the exam. The negative aspects of using the fun book were that students said that they considered it to be exhausting and that the intensive writing caused hand pain. 


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Use of fun book in science education; sample application. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(Fall), 57-82.