The Effect of Electronic Portfolio Use on Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Academic Achievement Levels and Self-Efficacy Beliefs Regarding the Teaching Process
academic achievement, e-portfolio, pre-service elementary teachers, self-efficacy belief, teaching processAbstract
It is important to use technology in the education of teacher candidates in higher education in Turkey. These technology uses also affect the cognitive development of teacher candidates. It is necessary for pre-service teachers to use an electronic portfolio, one of the technological developments, and to determine the effects of this on the pre-service teacher. This study aims to determine the effect of using an electronic portfolio on pre-service elementary teachers' academic achievement levels and self-efficacy beliefs regarding the teaching process. A mixed-method approach involving 61 participants lasted for 14 weeks with volunteer pre-service teachers participating. Through parametric test techniques, and descriptive and content analysis, findings from this study showed that the use of e-portfolio positively affected the self-efficacy beliefs and academic achievement levels of pre-service elementary teachers. In addition, a linear relationship was found between self-efficacy beliefs and academic achievement. It is important to have infrastructure and technological competencies in similar studies.
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