A Pilot Study of the DREAMS Program

A Community Collaborative Intervention for the Psychosocial Development of Middle School Students





School Intervention, Community Collaboration, DREAMS Intervention, psychosocial, self-esteem, self-mastery


The purpose of this study was to pilot the DREAMS (Desire, Readiness, Empowerment, Action, and Mastery for Success) program, a community-collaborative, after-school intervention program designed specifically to address the holistic developmental needs of students at school. The author originally developed and implemented the program in Kerala, India, and later redesigned it for American school students. Combining the theories of Vygotsky and Erikson, the DREAMS model emphasizes the impact of the community on the development of children. This study evaluates the effects of a summer camp, the primary intervention of a three-year program, on the self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept of 20 middle school students in Northeast Louisiana. After students attended the week-long program, the most significant improvements were observed in self-esteem and self-worth. Further longitudinal or comparative experimental research on the complete design would provide stronger evidence to draw more substantive conclusions.


Author Biography

  • Lijo Thomas, Christ University

    LIJO THOMAS, PhD, is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Director and Dean at Christ University, Pune, Lavasa Campus. His research interests lie in community collaboration and partnership, psychosocial development, and organisational change and development. Email; lijo.thomas@christuniversity.in


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