
  • Call for Series Editors: School Dropout and Completion Book Series


    We are currently seeking editors to contribute to our upcoming book series, "School Dropout and Completion Series." This series aims to provide a comprehensive and global examination of the complex factors influencing high school graduation and dropout rates. Through rigorous scholarly research and analysis, the series will delve into the intricacies of how these rates are calculated, explore the social and economic implications of dropping out, and highlight the various pathways students may take toward graduation across different countries and educational systems.

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  • Upcoming book--Navigating the “American Dream”: A Comprehensive Survival Guide for International Students


    Navigating the “American Dream”: A Comprehensive Survival Guide for International Students

    Summary: The goal of this comprehensive guide is to facilitate the academic success of international students pursuing higher education in the United States by providing essential information and resources to navigate the complexities of both academic and social aspects of their lives. It covers crucial topics and facets at all academic levels and stages, from pre-arrival to post-graduation, offering practical guidance on issues such as race, culture, language learning, employment, health, and social life. Additionally, this guidebook promotes the successful adaptation of international students and their overall health by addressing their daily challenges and social-emotional needs. Each chapter is dedicated to one phase of academic life, ensuring that students have access to the information they need to thrive both on and off campus. This book is a comprehensive guide that not only provides essential information and resources for international students as they embark on their journey of pursuing higher education in the United States, but also offers guidance on selecting universities, finding resources and support on campus, communicating with faculty and staff, and succeeding academically and socially. This guidebook adds to the current literature by providing critical insights into preparing for and navigating a new environment, thereby disrupting negative narratives surrounding international students' success abroad. Moreover, it fosters a sense of belonging for international students, encouraging them to engage academically, socially, and culturally amidst the intricacies of academic and social life in the United States.

    Read more about Upcoming book--Navigating the “American Dream”: A Comprehensive Survival Guide for International Students
  • Call for Chapters || Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: International Experiences in Historically Black Colleges and Universities


    Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have long been pillars of educational excellence, contributing significantly to various sectors. However, their international engagements often remain underrepresented in academic discourses. This volume seeks to bridge this gap by exploring the international programs, initiatives, and experiences of HBCUs, emphasizing their global influence and integral role in shaping cross-cultural academic landscapes.

    Read more about Call for Chapters || Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: International Experiences in Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Call for Book Chapters: "Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: African Context"


    Call for Book Chapters

    Title: "Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: African Context"

    Editor: Dr Seyum Getenet, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

    Send chapters or questions at by November 15, 2023

    Book Description:

    This edited volume on "Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: African Context" is an enlightening guide that offers in-depth insights and strategies for educators navigating the challenges and opportunities of imparting mathematical knowledge in primary schools within the African setting. Delving into the cultural, pedagogical, and practical aspects of mathematics education, this book emphasizes locally-relevant teaching approaches, harnessing indigenous knowledge, and ensuring meaningful student engagement. Through comprehensive chapters, rich examples, and reflective case studies, educators are equipped with tools and methods to inspire the next generation of African mathematical thinkers.

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  • NEW book Series -Children’s Picture Books Their Contribution to Political, Educational, and Cultural Attitudes


    NEW book Series : "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle: Children’s Picture Books and Their Contribution to Political, Educational, and Cultural Attitudes"

    Description: This book series delves into the profound influence of children's picture books on shaping societal, educational, and political beliefs. It underscores that these books, predominantly selected by adults, mirror our perceptions of childhood and the role literature plays in a child's evolution. The series aims to explore how such books are not mere reflections of societal values but are instrumental in transmitting them. Led by a research group with members from Australia, Germany, and Switzerland, this series brings a broad international perspective to the discussion on children’s literature.

    Contact: A/Prof Martin Kerby, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, e-mail:

    Tentative Titles in the Series:

    1. Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey" and Modern Children’s Picture Books
    2. Trauma in Children’s Picture Books
    3. Visual Analysis of Illustrations in Children’s Picture Books
    4. Post-Colonialism and the Representation of European Explorers in the Pacific in Children’s Picture Books
    5. Flora and Fauna, Fantastic Worlds, and Children’s Picture Books
    6. Shadow and Substance: Afro-American Experience in Contemporary Children’s Fiction
    7. Representations of Genocide in Children’s Picture Books
    8. Animals in Children’s Picture Books About the First World War
    9. The Generic Figure of the ‘Refugee’ as a Heroic Victim in Children’s Picture Books
    10. Conflict and National Identity in Children’s Picture Books
    11. Representations of Gender in Children’s Picture Books 
    12. Informational Picture Books in the Early Years’ Classroom
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  • The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students: Implications for Equitable Education across College Life and Academic Success


    The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students: Implications for Equitable Education across College Life and Academic Success 

    We extend a formal call for contributions to an edited collection that I am currently developing. The volume, tentatively titled “The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students: Implications for Equitable Education across College Life and Academic Success.”


    Read more about The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students: Implications for Equitable Education across College Life and Academic Success
  • International Faculty in East Asian Higher Education

    Call for Chapter Proposals

    We are soliciting chapter proposals on faculty mobility in East Asian higher education that addresses the issues noted above. While the editors have designated some suggested topics (see below), we are open to considering proposals on other topics related to international faculty experiences in East Asia.

    1. Destination choice in faculty work abroad

    2. Managing expectations in a new academic and professional culture

    3. Developing an intercultural pedagogy, curriculum, and teaching philosophy

    4. Conducting research, collaborating with international colleagues, and building a research agenda

    5. Opportunities for service to the profession while abroad

    6. Experiences of higher education internationalization in East Asia

    7. Negotiating boundaries and academic freedom

    8. Identity issues: Psychological and Sociocultural Adjustments (professional v. personal identity)

    10. Developing and maintaining relationships

    Contributing authors may be requested to provide blind review of other chapter submissions.

    Contact or to get more information on the project

    Read more about International Faculty in East Asian Higher Education
  • Perspectives and Experience in International Education: Insights from Veteran Educators


    Call for Submissions:

    We invite international educators who have served the field to contribute to a book that will feature a collection of anecdotes and thoughts about their experiences. As the world navigates a different landscape after the pandemic, we believe that it is crucial to hear from veteran leaders in international education who have seen the field grow, flourish, and overcome challenges.

    For questions and submissions, please contact: Thomas V. Millington, Founder and Executive Director of Abroadia, at

    Read more about Perspectives and Experience in International Education: Insights from Veteran Educators
  • ChatGPT and Global Higher Education: Using Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning


    We would like to request that you write a chapter of 1000-1200 words on a topic related to ChatGPT and higher education. Below is a list of suggested topics for your consideration:

    • Personalized Learning with ChatGPT
    • The Role of ChatGPT in Expanding Access to Education
    • ChatGPT-Assisted Teaching: Strategies and Best Practices
    • Ethical Considerations in Implementing ChatGPT in Higher Education
    • Addressing ChatGPT Bias and Discrimination in the Classroom
    • Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues in ChatGPT-Generated Content
    • Data Privacy and Security in ChatGPT-Driven Educational Environments
    • Preparing Students for a ChatGPT-Influenced Workforce
    • ChatGPT in Research: Accelerating Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination
    • Policy Recommendations for Integrating ChatGPT into Higher Education

    Click on “make a submission” and submit your proposal online, 120-250 words.

    Read more about ChatGPT and Global Higher Education: Using Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning
  • International(-ised) Students in East and Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives


    In this volume, we focus on East and South East Asia as the regions with the greatest diversity of transnational and international educational partnerships and consequently with the greatest diversity of narratives around the students that take part in them.  For questions,  Dr Aneta Hayes: or Dr Sihui Wang:

    Read more about International(-ised) Students in East and Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives
  • Call for chapters- The International Handbook of French Education


    This edited collection brings together the voices of French educators, supporters, students, educational leaders, and other stakeholders from around the globe to share their perspectives on the current value and future benefits of the teaching and learning of the French language and Francophone culture. French has been internationally prominent as a language of diplomacy, politics, cultural study, and education for centuries in many countries around the world. In contemporary times, millions if not billions of individuals speak French fluently as a first, second, third or other language. It also functions as a lingua franca for millions of individuals. Dually, there exists a plethora of K-12 French immersion schools and numerous colleges and universities that offer French courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels around the globe. 

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  • Call for Chapters || International students and higher education providers at the crossroads: Australian perspectives on transnational mobility


    This edited volume seeks to investigate, unveil and interrogate the lived experiences, challenges, and opportunities of international students in Australia and those of the host institutions. Through various methodological lenses such as case studies, narrative inquiry, ethnographic, autoethnographic, and mixed-method methodologies, particular attention is paid to international students’ academic journeys (e.g. social, cultural, and language experiences, understanding colloquial language, academic success, student motivation, and expectations, students’ academic literacies, identity construction, etc.), student wellbeing (e.g. feelings of isolation, experiences of rejection, homophobia, identity problems, etc.), equity and social justice in international education, international student employability, university intervention programs for international student support, university strategies for issues of academic integrity, and university contingencies for international student performance, retention, attrition, and satisfaction. For questions and submissions, contact--

    Dr. Leonardo Veliz, Head of School of Education, Excelsia College, Sydney, Australia

    Read more about Call for Chapters || International students and higher education providers at the crossroads: Australian perspectives on transnational mobility
  • Call for Chapters - Millennial faculty in global higher education: Exploring the professoriate in the era of COVID-19


    Call for Book Chapter:  Millennial faculty in global higher education: Exploring the professoriate in the era of COVID-19 || Due- March 1, 2022

    The purpose of this book is to document the experience of millennial faculty in the United States and abroad, including their expertise and experiences in teaching, research, and academic transitions as young professoriate or scholars in tertiary institutions. The move from elite to mass higher education has witnessed the rise of millennials in the academic profession around the world. This book will investigate the support system and surroundings that help these young teacher-scholars and practitioners transition and integrate into academia. The sub-theme of this book will explore the typologies, characteristics and generation differences of faculty between Millennials and the previous generations (e.g., Gen X, Baby Boomers, and Silent Generation).The book will shed new light on understanding the contemporary global challenges and opportunities that arise with Millennial faculty members, as well as building research-based knowledge when mentoring and assisting these new professors for the academic profession in the era of COVID-19.  Check details here and submit your proposals /questions to Dr. Xi Lin (East Carolina University) at or Dr. Roy Y. Chan (Lee University) at

    Table of Contents (select one of the following suggested topics)

    Section I: Multigenerational Diversity in the Academic Workplace during COVID-19

    • Characteristics of Millennials and faculty roles
    • Millennial faculty’s culture and communication pedagogies
    • Millennials as digital natives
    • Millennials as transnational scholars

    Section II: Millennial Generation Expectation Gap in Global Higher Education

    • Millennial faculty’s expectations of communication
    • Millennial faculty’s expectations of work ethic
    • Collaboration and engagement among Millennial Faculty
    • Community-engaged scholarship among Millennial Faculty
    • Research performance and productivity among Millennial Faculty

    Section III: Mentoring and Faculty Development of Millennial Faculty

    • Campus support systems for Millennial faculty
    • The reverse mentoring at workplace
    • Recruitment and retainment of domestic and international Millennial faculty
    • Academic freedom, global citizenship, and civic engagement among Millennial faculty

    Section VI: COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities of Millennial Faculty

    • Fostering cross-generational learning and developing Millennial leaders 
    • Generational influences in academia 
    • Developing the next generation of faculty post-COVID-19
    • Graduate employability of Millennials 
    Read more about Call for Chapters - Millennial faculty in global higher education: Exploring the professoriate in the era of COVID-19
  • Call for Chapter Proposals--Curriculum Theory and Pedagogy for Student Mobility: Research and Practice in International Higher Education


    The edited volume will bring together teaching research and practices that reveal how curricular and pedagogical change in institutions of higher education can promote academic success in the education of international students across diverse socio-political contexts. Possible areas of applicable curriculum theory to be addressed include (but are not limited to): Innovative curriculum-related theories, concepts, and practices in the teaching of international students; Curriculum theory research and practice by educators in multicultural educational landscapes; The application of cross-cultural and cross-racial teaching technologies in international student education; The framing, management, and assessment of experiential, co-curricular, and pre-professional opportunities, and programming for international students... more

    Key Dates: Abstracts (250 words max.) due: January 15, 2021 || completed chapters: April 31, 2022

    Please submit abstracts to Dr. Lin Ge at

    Read more about Call for Chapter Proposals--Curriculum Theory and Pedagogy for Student Mobility: Research and Practice in International Higher Education
  • Call for chapters: Online Teaching and Learning in Asian


    This book will provide an informative and critical review of online teaching and learning and recent innovative digital developments in Asian higher education. As a resource, this volume offers insights and perspectives of educators in online teaching and learning in Asia. The chapters will include scholarly reflections, conceptual papers, and research papers that draw on educators’ lessons learned from teaching during COVID-19, and effective practices that educators could draw on in 21st and 22nd centuries. this book will include innovations in online curriculum design; innovations in connecting with students; and innovations in assessments. Each section will include a collection of scholarly reflective practices, conceptual papers, and research papers. more

     For questions and proposals, please contact Dr. Misty Cook at

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  • Call for Chapters: Asian international students in Canadian universities


    This book explores how the recruitment and retention of Asian international students in Canadian universities intersect with other institutional priorities. The intent is to highlight how Canadian post-secondary education institutions frame their engagement with the Asian international student population in a context in which this group has become an increasingly important target and source of revenue (Zhou et al., 2017). Specifically, this book responds to the growing need for new insights and perspectives on the institutional mechanisms adopted by Canadian universities to support Asian international students in their academic and social integration to university life. The sub-theme that runs through this book relates to the challenges and limitations of framing the support to this diverse student group at the intersection of two institutional priorities – internationalization and anti-racism. This is especially important for this group, known to experience invisible forms of discrimination and differential treatment in Canadian post-secondary education institutions (Colomba, 2013). Topics in this book include international students’ experiences and understandings of race and racism, comparisons with domestic students and/or non-Asian students, institutional discourse and narratives on Asian international students, comparison with other university priorities, cross-national comparisons, best practices, and recent developments linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Editors: Ann H. Kim, Elizabeth Buckner and Jean Michel Montsion; Series/Publisher: Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility

    Contact Information: Ann H. Kim, Ph.D. ; Elizabeth Buckner, Ph.D. 


    Read more about Call for Chapters: Asian international students in Canadian universities
  • Forthcoming book: Chinese STEM PhD Students Abroad: Negotiating across worlds


    Chinese STEM PhD Students Abroad invites readers to enter the worlds of Chinese international doctoral students (CIDS) in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). With an endeavor to reveal heterogeneity as well as commonality, this book examines their diverse and challenging experiences and how they negotiate transitions across borders between their research, personal and social worlds to achieve success over time. This book will be of special interest to doctoral supervisors, researchers, student counselors, tertiary administrators, and policymakers, east or west; and it should also be of interest to Chinese students who are doing or expect to commence a PhD abroad.

    Author names: Yibo Yang & Judith MacCallum; Series/Publisher: Routledge Studies on Global Student Mobility Series (Bista & Glass)

    (This is book is not accepting proposals)

    Read more about Forthcoming book: Chinese STEM PhD Students Abroad: Negotiating across worlds
  • Call for Chapters: Home and Abroad: International Student Experiences and Graduate Employability


    This book highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of international student employability. This includes, but is not limited to, the following areas related to international student employability:

    • International student expectations and challenges with employability
    • University-industry linkages that enhance student employability
    • Perceptions from different stakeholders on employability, including academics, university careers services, alumni, local and international employers, and so on
    • Theoretical contributions on employability in a globalized society  
    • Evaluation of recent initiatives implemented to facilitate the holistic career development of students
    • Pedagogical research or curriculum development studies on enhancing international student employability


    Dr Xin (Skye) Zhao, University of Sheffield,; Dr Michael Kung, University of Florida, ; Dr Yingyi Ma, Syracuse University,; Dr Krishna Bista, Morgan State University,

    Series/Publisher: STAR Scholars Network

    (accepting proposals)

    Read more about Call for Chapters: Home and Abroad: International Student Experiences and Graduate Employability
  • Call for Proposal/Advisory Board Members


    The STAR Scholars Book Series seeks to explore new ideas and best practices related to international student mobility, study abroad, exchange programs, student affairs from the US and around the world, and from a wide range of academic fields, including student affairs, international education, and cultural studies.

    How to submit a proposal for a new book or a chapter?

    Scholars interested in contributing a chapter to a book in our current and future book series or sending us a new book proposal are invited to submit a brief proposal directly via this form or directly to the title editors (not the series editors). All selected proposals will be invited to write full chapters by the editors. All chapters will go through the standard review process before a decision is made.

    Submit your proposal for consideration.

    Interested in serving on the advisory board, please complete this form

    Read more about Call for Proposal/Advisory Board Members