Call for Chapters: Asian international students in Canadian universities


This book explores how the recruitment and retention of Asian international students in Canadian universities intersect with other institutional priorities. The intent is to highlight how Canadian post-secondary education institutions frame their engagement with the Asian international student population in a context in which this group has become an increasingly important target and source of revenue (Zhou et al., 2017). Specifically, this book responds to the growing need for new insights and perspectives on the institutional mechanisms adopted by Canadian universities to support Asian international students in their academic and social integration to university life. The sub-theme that runs through this book relates to the challenges and limitations of framing the support to this diverse student group at the intersection of two institutional priorities – internationalization and anti-racism. This is especially important for this group, known to experience invisible forms of discrimination and differential treatment in Canadian post-secondary education institutions (Colomba, 2013). Topics in this book include international students’ experiences and understandings of race and racism, comparisons with domestic students and/or non-Asian students, institutional discourse and narratives on Asian international students, comparison with other university priorities, cross-national comparisons, best practices, and recent developments linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Editors: Ann H. Kim, Elizabeth Buckner and Jean Michel Montsion; Series/Publisher: Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility

Contact Information: Ann H. Kim, Ph.D. ; Elizabeth Buckner, Ph.D.