International Faculty in East Asian Higher Education
We are soliciting chapter proposals on faculty mobility in East Asian higher education that addresses the issues noted above. While the editors have designated some suggested topics (see below), we are open to considering proposals on other topics related to international faculty experiences in East Asia.
1. Destination choice in faculty work abroad
2. Managing expectations in a new academic and professional culture
3. Developing an intercultural pedagogy, curriculum, and teaching philosophy
4. Conducting research, collaborating with international colleagues, and building a research agenda
5. Opportunities for service to the profession while abroad
6. Experiences of higher education internationalization in East Asia
7. Negotiating boundaries and academic freedom
8. Identity issues: Psychological and Sociocultural Adjustments (professional v. personal identity)
10. Developing and maintaining relationships
Contributing authors may be requested to provide blind review of other chapter submissions. More at
Submission Guidelines-
Chapter proposals should be approximately 200 words
APA 7th Edition style with 12 pt, Times New Roman font
Titled “author last name-name of chapter” and saved as doc or docx. For example, Murphy-AcademicFreedom.docx
Papers should be submitted by email with the name of the file (as above) in the subject heading
Completed proposals should be emailed by June 4, 2023 to and