Hope and School Leadership for Elementary School Students





autonomy, agency, hope, school leadership, hope education


This study sought to identify how first-grade students in one Midwest state cognized hope. Using a case-study research method, the authors identify recommendations for practice that draw on the alignment between developing hope in students through school leadership. Previous research has highlighted school leadership's significant role in multiple pathways for student success. This study demonstrates that young children can cognize abstract topics such as hope and presents ways educational leaders can support student social-emotional well-being in the daily curriculum through hope education.


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Author Biographies

  • Amber O'Shea, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

    AMBER O’SHEA, Ed.D., is a Strand Leader for the Master’s of Early Intervention program at Trinity College Dublin. Her major research interests lie in the areas of early childhood intervention, social-emotional learning, and hope education. Email: osheaa10@tcd.ie

  • Cailen O’Shea, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

    CAILEN O’SHEA, Ph.D., is a Strand Leader for the Master’s of Education Leadership and Policy program at Trinity College Dublin. His major research interests lie in the areas of equitable instructional leadership, critical quantitative and qualitative methods, and authentic technology integration.

    Email: osheac16@tcd.ie


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