Call for Papers: Special Issue


The Journal of School Administration Research and Development (JSARD) (ISSN: 2470-850X, online; ISSN: 2470-496X, print), is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that supports the development and dissemination of research and scholarship in the area of K-12 school administration and leadership. We are currently seeking manuscript submissions from researchers and practitioners for a special issue that explores current and future grading practices in K-12 schools.

Within this special issue, we seek to publish four manuscript types: research articles, literature reviews, best practice articles, and essays/commentaries.

Important Dates:

December 8, 2024 - *Abstract submission deadline

January 27, 2025 - Invitation to submit full paper sent out

September 7, 2025 - Manuscript submission deadline

Summer 2026 - Special issue publication

All abstracts will be screened by editors. They should be 750 words or less and emailed to the guest editor at Full manuscripts will be subject to a double blind peer-review process.

Please review our special issue author guidelines in the submissions tab at Questions can be directed to the guest editor at