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Author Guidelines

“According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and endorsed by the Journal of International Students, authors are permitted to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, in the preparation of manuscripts. However, it is mandatory to disclose the use of such tools. AI tools cannot be listed as authors, nor can they manage legal and ethical responsibilities, including conflicts of interest and copyright. In the acknowledgment section, authors must explicitly state the use of AI tools, including the nature and extent of their use, in the Materials and Methods section or a similar part of the paper. The responsibility for the integrity and ethical compliance of the manuscript, including content produced with AI assistance, rests entirely with the authors."

Submissions should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition, including title page (without author names), abstract, keywords, in-text citations, pagination, headings, tables, figures, and reference list. Article text, references, tables, and figures are included in the word count. View a short overview of notable changes from APA 6 to APA 7.

Authors are encouraged to carefully review the journal's Aims & Scope and submit work that marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement to the field. Authors are encouraged to review the criteria used to evaluate manuscripts in our double-anonymous peer-review process.

Authors are strongly encouraged to review this Peer Reviewing Guide developed to highlight key considerations for reviewing research with and about international students. 

The following information will guide authors as they make a submission in the online system. You may begin your submission and return to edit it anytime until you decide to finalize the submission by clicking on the Finish Submission button. You may wish to review the visual, step-by-step guide on Submitting an Article.

The journal screens papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes.

JIS is an open-access journal. There are Article Processing Charge (APC) fees to individual authors, and authors are allowed to self-archive their work. Read our full Statement on Open Access and APC rates> *

* The Humane Letters Grant is available to support promising and prospective authors for their accepted manuscripts, particularly students and scholars from the Global South, and our goal is to keep open-access publication and free-thinking alive. We promise to do everything that we can to ensure that no scholar is left behind just because of financial barriers. 

JIS aims to return reviewed manuscripts to authors within 90 days of initial submission, although some manuscripts take more or less time for us to provide high-quality, thoughtful, constructive reviews that are a hallmark of our journal.

Start Submission

Section. Select the Manuscript Type of the submission:

  • Research Article
  • Research Briefs


Select the relevant Region(s) for your paper:

  • Central and South Asia
  • East Asia, Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

Select the relevant topic area(s) addressed in your paper: 

  • Global Competence and Intercultural Communication
  • Equity and Access in International Education
  • Cross-Cultural Wellness and Psychological Resilience
  • Decolonization, Indigenization, and the Politics of Belonging
  • Immigration Politics, Policy, and Human Rights
  • Sustainability, Climate Change, and Ecological Consciousness
  • Transnational Lives, Employment, and Careers
  • Virtual Mobility, Virtual Exchange, and Online Learning

Submission Requirements. Verify compliance with the Submission Preparation Checklist.

Comments for the Editor. Enter any additional comments for the Editor (optional).  You will upload a Cover Letter to the Editors (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) on the next screen.

Copyright. Agree to the journal's copyright license.

Upload Submission

To ensure an anonymous review, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves the authors checking to take the following steps with regard to the text and the file properties: author identification has been removed from Microsoft Office documents and authors have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc.

Cover Letter to Editors. Upload a Cover Letter to the Editors (.doc, .docx, or .rtf). The letter should clearly articulate why the manuscript marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research on international students and specifically address the alignment of the submission with the key elements of journal's Aim & Scope

Manuscript (without Author Details). Upload a manuscript without author details as one document (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) that includes a title page (without author names), abstract, main article text with a maximum of 4 tables and figures, and reference list. Documents must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and use 12-point Times New Roman font. Remove author(s) names, affiliation, country, and bio information, as well as all identifying information from the Microsoft Office document

Embed tables and figures in the manuscript, if applicable.  Figures should be in JPG or PNG format (300 dpi resolution). Authors should limit the total number of tables and/or figures to a maximum of four (4) and refer to APA recommendations for table and figure use. All reproduced images (including tables) should be accompanied by an APA Style copyright permission statement and have a reference list entry. 

Authors should follow APA 7 guidelines in the select selection of quotation content in length in qualitative research articles. Footnotes, endnotes, and appendices are not allowed.

Manuscript (with Author Details). Upload a manuscript with author details, including a title page (with author names and affiliations), abstract, manuscript with tables and figures placed in-text, and reference list.

Title Page (with Author Details). Upload a title page with the name, email, and affiliation of each author. The document should include all author bios on the last page with a brief biographical statement for each author with each author's department, highest education level, and research interests. Please follow the format of the example: FIRST AND LAST NAME, PhD, is a Position Title in the Department at Institution in Country. Her major research interests lie in the area of academic literacies, academic integrity, higher education research, and multiculturalism. Email: 

Enter Metadata

Title and Abstract. Enter a title and 100-150 word abstract.

List of Contributors. Enter author(s) information in the online form, including name, email, country, ORCID iD (optional), institution/affiliation, and a short bio statement that describes the author(s) department, rank, and research interests. Indicate which author will be the principal contact for editorial correspondence.

Keywords. Provide four to seven keywords for the submission. Authors are encouraged to include one or more Subject Terms from the ERIC Thesaurus.  

Funding data. Add funder name and identification and grant numbers, if applicable. 


Click the “Finish Submission” button. Authors will receive an email confirmation with a Submission Acknowledgement message and link to track the submission during the review process.

Pre-Submission Language Editing for Scholarly Manuscripts

The use of language editing services before submission may be valuable for some authors. If authors wish to hire a professional editor before submission, the journal has an arrangement with professional editing agencies who specializes in language editing for scholarly manuscripts. Authors may email their pre-submission manuscript to and mention their plans to submit it to the Journal of International Students for a discount on editing services. The use of pre-submission language editing services is optional, and the journal follows a double-anonymous peer-review process

Manuscript Types

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission represents an original work that has not been published elsewhere nor submitted to another journal for publication;
  • Upon manuscript acceptance by the editorial review team, authors are required to submit the editing and publication fee (APC).
  • The submission meets word length requirements for the manuscript type, which is all-inclusive of article text, references, tables, and figures;
  • The submission indicates that the Institutional Review Board (IRB) human subjects approval was secured, or explains why it was not required;
  • The submission includes a definition of 'international student' and cites current data on international student mobility;
  • The submission cites current theoretical and empirically-based literature, including relevant articles published in the Journal of International Students;
  • The submission reports sample size, population, confidence interval, and effect size, if applicable;
  • The submission is written in language that is engaging, lively, and direct, using active voice whenever possible;
  • The submission includes four to seven keywords;
  • The submission includes a name, email, affiliation, and a brief bio statement for each author in the Title Page (with Author Details) in the format outlined in the Author Guidelines;
  • The submission includes a Cover Letter that clearly articulates why the manuscript marks a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research and aligns with key elements of journal's Aim & Scope;
  • The submission includes both Manuscript (with Author Details) and Manuscript (without Author Details) as two separate files;
  • The submission includes no more than four tables and/or figures in total included within the manuscript;
  • The submission adheres to APA 7 stylistic and bibliographic requirements 
  • All identifying information has been removed from all documents and file names.
  • Cite at least two recent articles from the Journal of International Students.
  • AI Tools Usage and Author Responsibility: "I have disclosed any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the manuscript's Materials and Methods section and acknowledge full responsibility for the content's integrity and compliance with ethical standards, per COPE guidelines and the Journal of International Students."

Research Articles (English)

Research Articles (4,500-7,500 words) submissions use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research to make a new and demonstratively significant advancement in under-researched aspects of the field related to topics outlined in the journal's Aims & Scope.

Research in Briefs (English)

"Research in Brief" section of the Journal of International Students  is designed for concise analyses on specific topics or questions, using new or existing data sources. Articles should include a brief introduction, a discussion of the data, up to two figures/tables, a maximum of 10 references, and be within 2,000 words. Titles should be under 10 words, and an abstract of 120 words or less is required and manuscripts undergo standard peer review.

Multilingual Articles (Non-English)

We are committed to embracing linguistic diversity and inclusivity in academic discourse. Accordingly, JIS accepts manuscript submissions in multiple languages, including French, German, Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, and English. This policy encourages broader participation from researchers worldwide and facilitates knowledge-sharing across linguistic barriers. Submissions in languages other than English should adhere to the same rigorous standards of quality and scholarly merit and must include an abstract in English to ensure accessibility to a global audience. Our peer review process will be conducted in the language of the submission wherever possible, relying on the expertise of a multilingual editorial board and reviewer network. Research in brief length: 2,000 words (max), and empirical research article length: 7,500 words (max)

Global Short-Term and Credit Mobility (Dr Elena de Prada)

Global Short-Term and Credit Mobility

Future of African Higher Education

Areas of Focus for the Journal could include the following:


  • Decolonization of Curriculum in African Universities: Exploring initiatives, challenges, and outcomes in decolonizing curricula to better reflect African perspectives and knowledge systems.
  • Technology and Innovation in African Universities: Examining the integration of technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) tools in teaching, research, and administration, and its impact on educational outcomes and accessibility for international students.
  • Student Mobility and Internationalization: Assessing the trends, challenges, and benefits of student mobility between African and international universities, and its implications for student success.
  • Social Justice and Inclusion in African Universities: Exploring initiatives aimed at promoting social justice, diversity, and inclusion within African higher education institutions.
  • Leadership and Governance in African Higher Education: Evaluating the effectiveness of leadership and governance models in African universities and their role in fostering academic excellence and institutional resilience.
  • Cultural Identity and Global Competence: Discussing the balance between maintaining cultural identity and fostering global competence among local and international students in African universities.

Tolerance and Coexistence (Prof. Samih M. Al Karasneh)

This section considers submissions for this project: Tolerance and Coexistence (Prof. Samih M. Al Karasneh)

Building Inclusive Futures

Building Inclusive Futures: The Intersection of Diversity, Equity, and Sustainable Development in International Education


Doris Zhang, PhD
Center for Global Education
The University of Tokyo

Committee for this edition: 

  1. Dr. Yujin Yaguchi, Director, Center for Global Education, The University of Tokyo
  2. Dr. Yuki Ohara, Associate Professor, Center for Global Education, The University of Tokyo
  3. Dr. Kimberly A. Noels, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta
  4. Dr. Rui Zhang, Associate Professor, Psychology, Dickinson College

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.