Exploring Students’ Experiences of an Internationalized University Through a Person-in-Context Lens





higher education, student experience, internationalization, Australia


The aim of this article is to provide better understanding around the challenges facing university internationalization by exploring students’ experiences of an internationalized university through a Person-in-Context lens. The article reports on a study that took place at a metropolitan university in Australia and which utilized both a quantitative questionnaire and qualitative individual interviews to explore students’ expectations, experiences, and perceptions of their internationalized university. Main findings have been applied to Volet’s person-in-context adaptation of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of human development in order to address the research question, “What influences students’ experiences of an internationalized university?” This article presents the application of findings to the person-in-context model and discusses implications that can be drawn about the student experience of internationalized universities.


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How to Cite

Exploring Students’ Experiences of an Internationalized University Through a Person-in-Context Lens. (2023). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 15(2), 134-165. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v15i2.4133