The Growth of Academic Identity in the Early Career Stage during the Transition in Chinese Higher Education


  • Jiajie Liu University College London



Chinese higher education, ECAs, Phenomenology, Academic Identity, Teaching-Research Nexus


This doctoral study explores how do early career academics experience their sense of belonging to the academic profession and how do they experience the teaching-research nexus during the transition of their institution from a teaching- to a research-led environment with an ethnography-informed phenomenology approach. Moreover, it examines the complexity of the transition and the role that ECAs play in the university repositioning. This study seeks to place the investigation in a broader frame of social and cultural analysis in order to go deep into the everyday experiences of the ECAs around issues of their sense of identity, as well as their ways of connecting and bringing about changes in their work communities during a changing environment. It will shed light on scholarly debates on the growth of academic identity in the early career stage and faculty development in China.


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2024 Emerging Scholar Summary - 16(6) 2024

How to Cite

The Growth of Academic Identity in the Early Career Stage during the Transition in Chinese Higher Education. (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(5S).