Special Issue Introduction

Exploring the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Postsecondary Policies and Practices Toward Sustainable Development


  • Marcellus Mbah
  • Ane Johnson Rowan University




Indigenous knowledge, higher education, open access, sustainable development


This article serves as the introduction to the Special Issue on “Exploring the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Postsecondary Policies and Practices Toward Sustainable Development.” We begin by outlining sustainable development and the role of higher education in addressing sustainable development goals. We critique the epistemological assumptions that underlie sustainable development and that have led to its capture by Western development and science. We consider the importance of incorporating an Indigenous knowledge and practices into higher education in order to solve pressing social and environmental challenges. Finally, we discuss the reasoning for this issue and set forth a series of arguments for choosing an open access journal as an appropriate modality for this inquiry.


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Issue Introduction

How to Cite

Special Issue Introduction : Exploring the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Postsecondary Policies and Practices Toward Sustainable Development. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(Summer), 7-19. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v13iSummer.3931