The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Ontario International Graduate Students: An Auto-Ethnography


  • Rakha Zabin Brock University
  • Sandra Bosacki Brock University
  • John Novak Brock University



Emotional Intelligence, internationalization of higher education, international graduate students, institutional recommendations, auto-ethnography


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a multifaceted ability that helps us to sense, understand, value, and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of information, trust, creativity, and influence (Goleman, 2006; Salovey, Caruso, & Cherkasskiy, 2011). The five components (self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skill) embedded within EQ may work solely or collectively and may individuals cope with everyday life events. Such an emotional tool kit may help multicultural international students to help cope with several adverse situations. The focus of this study was to provide an auto-ethnographic account of a female university student’s experiences as she transitions to become a full-time international graduate student in an Ontario university. The author reflects on the hurdles and socio-emotional challenges experienced during the transition to becoming a graduate student in Ontario. Overall, based on the student’s experiences, findings suggest the need for Canadian universities to incorporate multiple components of EQ into their international university services, including mindfulness, self-regulation, and stress management.  

Author Biographies

  • Rakha Zabin, Brock University

    Rakha Zabin is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Education, Brock University, Canada. Her research interest lies in the internationalization of higher education, auto-ethnographic reflection, institutional policy, and educational administration and leadership. Her doctoral research focuses on the internationalization of higher education and exploring disorienting experiences of international students in Ontario universities.

  • Sandra Bosacki, Brock University

    Dr. Sandra Bosacki is a Professor at the Faculty of Education at Brock University. Her research interests lie in the field of emotional and socio-cognitive development in children and adolescents, theory of mind, self-esteem and social competence, school bullying/victimization experience, spiritual and moral development.  

  • John Novak, Brock University

    Dr. John Novak is an Emeritus Professor for the Department of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education at Brock University. His research interest lies in areas of educational philosophy, invitational theory and practice, educational leadership, and the social-cultural context of education. 



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How to Cite

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Ontario International Graduate Students: An Auto-Ethnography. (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(4), 37–52.