Why Institutional Scholarship Policy Matters: Its Influences on Graduate International Students of a Regional University in Taiwan





academic performance, financial adjustment, international students, institutional scholarship policy, regional university, Taiwan


This qualitative study explored the importance of scholarship policies toward international graduate students during their studies at a regional university in Taiwan from the “push-pull” framework. Ten participants representing Indonesia, Vietnam, and India, the University’s three largest international student groups, were interviewed. The analysis of the 10 semi-structured interviews investigates international students’ choices to attend a regional university, and whether scholarship policy impacts their decision-making. Findings revealed the different influences of scholarship policy on international graduate students from majors and departments in their academic and financial adjustment. Key advantages and disadvantages of current scholarship policies are discussed with regards to students’ experiences. Moreover, the study provides suggestions about recruitment and retention policies in terms of English-taught degree programs and institutional scholarship programs, particularly for Taiwanese regional universities seeking to expand their international student enrollment.


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Why Institutional Scholarship Policy Matters: Its Influences on Graduate International Students of a Regional University in Taiwan. (2022). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v14i1.3333