Peculiarities and Paradoxes of Neoliberal Higher Education in Kazakhstan


  • Douglas Robertson Florida International University
  • Nazgul Bayetova Florida International University



higher education, Kazakhstan, neoliberalism, paradox, policy analysis


This article discusses the expression of neoliberalism in Kazakhstan’s emerging higher education system. The central tenets of neoliberalism are briefly articulated. Noted is the phenomenon that the general political-economic paradigm of neoliberalism differs in its specific implementation depending on the particular countries and cultures in which it is manifesting. In Kazakhstan, neoliberalism’s expression in the former Soviet Republic’s emerging higher education system presents five paradoxes: (a) nationalistic globalism, (b) regulated non-regulation, (c) giving as a means to getting, (d) communal individualism, and (e) developmental demise. This article explores each of these five paradoxes.

Author Biographies

  • Douglas Robertson, Florida International University

    Ph.D., Professor of Higher Education, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Florida International University.

  • Nazgul Bayetova, Florida International University

    Ph.D. student in Higher Education

    Teaching Assistant

    Ms. Ed in Higher Education

    Recipient of Prestigious International Scholarship "Bolashak" 


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How to Cite

Peculiarities and Paradoxes of Neoliberal Higher Education in Kazakhstan. (2021). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(Summer), 226-241.