An Analysis of disability representation in African Higher education policies.
Research in Progress
Disability, Representation, African Higher Education, PoliciesAbstract
This research is interested in analyzing how universities as institutional actors came to think of defining, categorizing disability and the range of solutions they provided when they framed their disability policies. It also aims to analyze the accomplishments of the disability policy representation. This qualitative research guided by a comparative research design will compare university policies from the University of Cape town and University of Zimbabwe. The research will draw on Carol Bacchi’s “what’s the problem represented to be” framework and the notion of civic epistemologies by Sheila Jasanoff. These frameworks will be buttressed by Institutional logics as the theory to underpin the study. The analysis in this research seeks to elucidate implicit assumptions and underlying rationale used in the inclusion of students with disabilities in university policies. This research intends to highlight similarities and differences between them. Insights from the comparison will be used to explore how university policies position and govern students with disabilities with differential disadvantages and need.
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