Disability Policy Representation in African Higher Education Research

Implications for Disability Policy Framing in African Higher Education


  • Fadzayi Marcia Maruza University of Western Cape
  • Patricio Langa University of Western Cape
  • Geri Augusto Brown University
  • Nelson Nkhoma University of Western Cape




Disability, Higher Education, Policy, Framing


This paper sets out to critically explore the way disability policies are framed in African higher education. Presented in this paper is a review of published studies that detail the dominant framing perspectives that have influenced disability policies in African Higher Education (HE). Review of literature was done using the Yair Levy and Timothy J. Ellis (2006) systems approach to conducting an effective literature review. The paper has three sections and these include (a) an introduction (b) dominant policy framing perspectives (c) and a discussion on exploring possibilities for an expansive disability policy framing for Higher Education in Africa.This paper argues for nuanced ways to expand our understanding of the current and emerging issues pertaining to the study of policies on disability in the field of HE in Africa.


Author Biographies

  • Patricio Langa, University of Western Cape

    Department: Faculty of Education

    Title: Proffessor 

    Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) Sociology and Education,major in Higher Education Studies


    Phone No+27763451133


  • Geri Augusto, Brown University

    Department: Brown Centre for the Study of Slavery and Justice

    Rank:Faculty Associate

    Quallification: Doctor of Education( Ed.D) in Human and Organisational Learning


  • Nelson Nkhoma, University of Western Cape

    Department: Faculty of Education

                            Doctoral Pragramme in Higher Education Studies

    Rank: Post Doc Research Fellow

    Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy(PhD), Organisational Leadership Policy and Development (International Development Education)


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Empirical Article

How to Cite

Disability Policy Representation in African Higher Education Research: Implications for Disability Policy Framing in African Higher Education. (2020). Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(Fall), 169-187. https://doi.org/10.32674/jcihe.v12iFall.1224